Beginner Skate Lessons

Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm

About the Coach:

Signing up for classes at the Lynnwood Bowl & Skate, has allowed you a special opportunity to be coached and instructed by a National Champion Coach with World Championship experience! The coach, Ezra Thompson, has been coaching beginner classes for over 20 years, and has taught thousands of kids and adults how to roller skate. He is also the coach for the Eagles, a competitive figure skating club here at the Lynnwood Bowl & Skate. 

About the Saturday Classes:

Please arrive by 10:45am for check in for both Level 1 and Level 2.

The Classes have been divided up into 2 levels:

Level 1 – Lesson 11:00am-11:30am - Practice for level 1 will be 11:30am-12:00pm
Level 2 – Lesson 11:30am-12:00pm - Practice for level 2 will be 11:00am-11:30am

$100 per student - includes the 4 week (30 minute) class program and the Open Skate session that begins after each lesson. Course will begin on the first available Saturday of each month. There will be no refunds.

*Online Registration will end at midnight on the Thursday prior to the first Saturday of every month. If you miss the pre-registration cutoff, you may be able to drop-in and pay on the day of (depending on availability) for the first Saturday of the month only.*

We also offer a walk-in option on Sunday's from 11am to 12pm for $25 admission (includes the Open Skate session following the lesson).

Level Breakdown:

Level 1 is for the first time skaters who have had little or no experience skating at all. This class is also great for adults who haven’t skated in years and would like to get back into it again. In Level 1, you will be learning some basic skating techniques and getting important knowledge as to how your body and skates interact with each other. Some of the things you will learn in Level 1 include getting up and down, T-position, moving forward, stopping, finding your balance, maneuvering, balancing, and even scissors and some backward skating.

Level 2 is for the more experienced skaters who have skated a lot before or the ones who have taken the Level 1 class and feel confident that they are ready for Level 2. In Level 2, you will be learning some more advanced techniques including circular and straight away cross-over’s forward and backward, speed stopping, shoot the duck, backward scissors, Mohawk turns, even some turning and jumping. Most of the skaters who finish Level 1 usually continue on to Level 2.

General Information:

Please try and arrive by 10:45am to check in so that you can get you can get your skates on and be ready to start on time. If you arrive late, just get your skates on quickly and join us on the floor.

*Doors open at the skate entrance on the south side of the building at 10:30amPersonal skates must be inspected by a staff member before being used on our floor.*

It is suggested, but not required, that you use quads instead of rollerblades for the classes. It is much easier to learn all skills on quads, and transfer over to rollerblades later if that is what you want, but some of the things we learn in class can be difficult to learn on rollerblades, so please use quads for the class although all types of skates are welcome.

Safety gear is not required to participate in either of the levels, but you are welcome to wear safety gear if you would prefer to. If you choose to wear safety gear, please make sure that any padding or helmets you use fit properly and are in working condition, as it can often be less helpful to wear gear if it doesn’t fit properly. Again, this is not a requirement for the class. Used safety gear is available at skate counter if needed.

It is suggested that you try and skate at least once between each class as this will give you the opportunity to practice the skills you learn in class, and will help you improve quicker.

If you join Level 1 and feel that it is too easy, we can move you into Level 2 at no additional cost to finish out your monthly class. This will be at the coaches authority.